Green Ink Cartoon is a sharing of knowledge and tips, for entertainment and for you to apply in a responsible and legal manner. No content from this series of cartoons and videos should be implemented without checking first that it is appropriate, legal and safe for your local factors (such as local laws, climate and environmental guidance). Neither Green Ink Cartoon, nor the artist, is liable for any injuries, distress, financial loss, legal issues or property damage that may result from actions you take after viewing this series of cartoons and videos.
Green Ink Cartoon contains intellectual property protected by copyright. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, display, reproduce or perform, or in any way exploit in any format any of the content, in whole or in part without the artists prior written consent.
Following guidance from Green Ink Cartoon in no way guarantees that wildlife will visit or set up home in your garden. We can only go so far, but by providing the right habitat, your garden will have the best opportunity to attract visitors.
Flo, Walt & Jackson would like to personally thank you for reading this far and not falling asleep. Give yourself a pat on the back and now go outside to enjoy your garden.